Deepening Prayer:
Connecting More of Life
to the One who Loves us,
a workshop with John Cunyus.

Topics Include:
Nine Marks
of Spiritual Maturity
Christian Meditation
Effective Prayer
Sharing Grace
with Others

Time Requirements:
The workshop requires between 30
minutes to three hours, depending on
the sponsoring group's schedule.

It can also be done over three
consecutive nights.

There is no cost for sponsoring
congregations beyond
travel expenses and lodging.

For More Information:
Please contact us
using the form below
Feedback for John's Ministry

John visited our church as part of a
book signing tour. He met with our
adult Sunday school classes to explain
why someone should be translating
the Bible from the Vulgate. I was
wondering that myself. His reasons
are compelling. His translations are
fresh and lacking the characteristic
“stained glass voice” one often finds in
reading the scriptures. I encourage
John’s materials for study and
devotional use, and commend him as
an interesting and compelling speaker.
Rev. Steven C. Digby
Odessa, Texas

As I've said before, you've always been
the consummate scholar and an
incredibly rich thinker. The books that
you're authoring are welcomed
additions to the ongoing world of
biblical studies – thanks for using your
considerable gifts and talents to
continue pointing people toward a
fuller understanding of God's Eternal
Major Stephen George,
Chaplain, US Army

I welcome the translation of the
Vulgate and the emphasis on Wisdom
Literature.  The Latin language and
particularly the Vulgate have had an
enormous impact on the Christian
Church and our liturgical and
theological formation.  
Daniel Cardinal DiNardo,
Archbishop of Galveston-Houston
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How To Prepare
And Preach A Sermon
(as a free pdf download).