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A Portrait
from Scripture

An Icon of St. TimothyWho Was Timothy?

I. The first 16 times the name Timothy appears in Orthodox and Catholic Christian Bibles, it refers to a hostile Greek general, one of several who tried to destroy the Jews during the Maccabean Wars recorded in the Apocrypha. This Timothy was ultimately defeated and killed by Judah Maccabee and his soldiers, in 2 Maccabees 10:37.

II. A more famous Timothy appears by name 24 times in the New Testament, as a youth, companion, messenger, co-author, and, finally, fellow minister of Paul the Apostle. This Timothy...

1. Met Paul when he came to Derbe and Lystra, during the Second Missionary Journey.

2. Was well-attested to by the disciples in his home region.

3. Was the son of a Jewish mother and a Gentile father. Paul wanted to take Timothy with him on the journey.

4. Was circumcised by Paul to avoid giving offense to the Jews in the places they would go. Acts 16:1-4

5. Was left with Silas in Berea by Paul, as Paul escaped to Athens.

6. Along with Silas, was commanded by Paul to join him once he reached Athens. Acts 17:14-15

7. Along with Silas, traveled from Macedonia to Corinth to join Paul there. Acts 18:5

8. Was identified as one "of those ministering to" Paul, and was sent with Erastus from Ephesus back to Macedonia by Paul, thus missing the riot against Christian preaching that followed shortly afterwards. Acts 19:22

9. Was identified along with several others as Paul's companions as the Apostle made his way back through Macedonia. Acts 20:4

10. Is referred to by Paul as "Timothy, my helper", in Romans 16:21

11. Was sent by Paul to Corinth from Ephesus, described as, "my most beloved son and one faithful in the Lord, who may call to mind my ways for you which are in Christ, as I teach everywhere, in every assembly. 1 Corinthians 4:17

12. Paul instructs the Corinthians about Timothy to "see that he is without fear with you, for he does the Lord's work even as I." 1 Corinthians 16:10

13. Is co-author with Paul of 2 Corinthians, in 2 Corinthians 1:3.

14. Is cited along with Silvanus and Paul as one of those who first preached Jesus Christ to the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 1:18

15. Is co-author with Paul of Philippians, described along with Paul as "Jesus Christ's slaves." Philippians 1:1

16. Paul hoped to send him to the Philippians quickly, "so I may be of good cheer, knowing what are going on around you, for I have no one in such accord, who may be concerned for you with sincere affection." Philippians 2:19-20

17. Is co-author with Paul of Colossians, and described as "brother Timothy". Colossians 1:1

18. Is co-author with Paul and Silvanus of 1 Thessalonians. 1 Thessalonians 1:1

19. Paul describes having sent him to Thessalonika, "to strengthen and encourage you for your faith;" in 1 Thessalonians 3:2

20. Paul speaks positively of Timothy's report from Thessalonika, in 1 Thessalonians 3:6.

21. Is co-author with Paul and Silvanus of 2 Thessalonians. 2 Thessalonians 1:1

22. Is addressed by Paul as a "beloved son in faith" in 1 Timothy 1:2.

23. Was asked by Paul to remain in Ephesus and teach a pure faith while Paul went on to Macedonia, in 1 Timothy 1:3.

24. Addressed by Paul as "son Timothy", he is urged to "wage among them a good campaign, having faith and a good conscience", in 1 Timothy 1:18-19.

25. Was urged by Paul to, "Keep yourself pure. Don't drink only water, but use a little wine on account of your stomach and your frequent illnesses", in 1 Timothy 5:22-23.

26. Is urged by Paul to "keep the deposit, avoiding the profane expressions of novelties and the oppositions of what is falsely called knowledge, promising which some have perished concerning faith", in 1 Timothy 6:20-21.

27. Is addressed again by Paul as a "most beloved son" for whom Paul longs in 2 Timothy 1:2 and following.

28. Is identified as the grandson of Lois and the son of Eunice, both women of pure faith, in 2 Timothy 1:5.

29. Is co-author with Paul of the letter to Philemon. Philemon 1:1

30. Is cited by the author of Hebrews as "having been freed", and with whom he hopes to see the letter's recipients soon, in Hebrews 13:23.

Summary: Timothy came from the region of Derbe and Lystra, in the Roman province of Asia, in what is now Turkey. He was the son of Eunice and an unnamed Gentile father, grandson of Lois, and was circumcised by Paul. He became Paul's companion, messenger, co-author, brother, and fellow minister. Scripture does not tell us when and how Timothy died.


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